[Wolves] Organising Sundays infopoint

Adam Sweet drinky76 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 11 15:42:10 BST 2004

 --- Jono Bacon <jono at jonobacon.org> wrote: > Hi,
> Right, its best if we organise the infopoint. I can
> get down there for 
> the show opening. We need to be there for around
> 8.30am to get set up. I 
> assume Kat and Dave are going to be turning up at
> 8.30 to get in free 
> with me.

Yeah, I'm still clear for about 11, I might even come
earlier if I can force myself out of bed.

> If anyone has a laptop with a build in CD burner
> that they want to 
> bring, that would be great!! Other than that, any
> Knoppix CD's would be 
> great!!

I might bring my laptop (Morphix installed, but
network card playing up), or we can use it to demo how
to put a CDROM in, boot (confusing I know...) and then
watch it start running. It doesn't have a burner and
in fact I don't have an blank CDRs so I'm a bit of a
dud when it comes to producing CDs at the mo, but
hopefully when I'm not woefully broke I'll get some.

See you Sunday,

> 	Jono




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