[Wolves] sudoers file

SimonB simonb at geek-web.co.uk
Fri Jun 25 12:16:26 BST 2004

Old Dan wrote:

> Defaults[@{Host}|:{User}|>{RunasUser}] <Parameter> <value>
> For instance, to turn insults on for all defaults the entry would be:
> Defaults insults
> ...and that's it.  :)
> I'm just bothered by the fact that the command 'sudo su' works.
> I just modified a file with user/group as root/root and permissions 440 
> as my own username after doing that.

Thanks for that insults was what i was after, but i feared for sounding 
lame for saying hence why i said mail_no_user.

Im working with sudo at the momment cuz anyone who logons on using a 
network id on a mac can run sudo, which isnt good, lol. Luckily no-one 
knows about even root with the macs at the momment.
> Disturbing as it means the root password means squat diddly if someone 
> finds out my user password, at least with the default settings.  I guess 
> that's why the sudoers file exists and the other checks are in place - 
> at least you can tighten security if you want to.  If mail_no_user is 
> actually the flag you want to set(presumably to off - it's on by 
> default) I'd advise against it for that reason.

Yeah theres a flag to stop people form doing 'sudo su' its on by default 
here, but this is a mac, it wont let me even go 'shutdown -k now', which 
disappoint me i like playing with the users like that lol, or sshing and 
putting there machine into rulevel 6, lol. BSOH (i save their work for 
them first, im not that evil.


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