[Wolves] possible work for web developer....

David Goodwin david at openminds.co.uk
Mon Mar 8 16:43:26 GMT 2004


I think we (Open Minds) are looking for an updated front page to our 
website. (See http://www.openminds.co.uk).

My graphical design skills are non-existant....

We think the rest of our site is ok, but feel the front page doesn't 
necessarily greet the end user well enough. The rest of the site is 
probably ok (but you're welcome to disagree!).

Anyone who's interested should contact me, and perhaps be ready to get a 
phone call from my boss to discuss requirements/payment etc etc.


p.s. Sparkes - where's your website gone? You're the only person I could 
think of (off the top of my head) ...... http://www.westmids.biz seems 
to timeout atm.

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