[Wolves] 120Gb HDD spareish

Carl Pickering carl at fr0st.co.uk
Thu Mar 11 12:44:36 GMT 2004

Simon Burke wrote:

>On 11/3/04 11:13 am, "Carl Pickering" <carl at fr0st.co.uk> wrote:
>>Simon Burke wrote:
>>Update your BIOS, then it will work :) How new is your machine?
>>- TriG
>It was a fairly old one, I was setting us as a file server, so I spose a
>bios update may of done it. 
I had the same kind of problem when I brought a 80Gb drive for a P2 
based machine. An update from E-Support.com fixed it, ok so it cost me 
money but it worked. My g'f then brought me a p4 so it was useless...

- TriG

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