[Wolves] Cygwin/X

Old Dan dan at dannyboy.dnsalias.org
Mon Mar 15 13:20:07 GMT 2004

Aquarius wrote:
> Anyone tried Cygwin/X? I'm thinking of sshing into my home machine from
> my work Windows box, forwarding X along that ssh (putty) connection,
> and displaying X apps running on my home box in their own window on my
> Windows machine at work. (So they look like native Windows apps.) Does
> this work like it should? Is it acceptably fast?
It works.

However, in terms of speed IME it is a little bit painful.  Haven't 
tried it with compression yet though(I assume you can do that with ssh, 
I see no reason why not...).

Why would you want to use putty though?  Whilst that does work, why not 
just use the cygwin ssh?  That way it could be as seamless as:


(actually that's cygwin connected to remote X over the LAN at work, with 
ssh run off that to my home box, but you get my point... :) )

Which apps do you want to tunnel?

Who hopes cygwin ssh does X tunnelling or he's going to look foolish.

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