[Wolves] Much difference between 4.5v and 5v?

sparkes sparkes at phreaker.net
Tue Mar 16 13:45:20 GMT 2004

On Tue, 2004-03-16 at 13:42, Matthew Revell wrote:
> Howdy all,
> As I've posted before, my wireless router seems to be dead. However, I'm 
> not using the original power supply, as I've lost it. The router says 
> it's rated at 5v but the nearest I have is 4.5v. All the LEDs light up 
> (which is actually unusual) so there's something going on in there. But, 
> could it be the cause of the router's apparent death?
yeah it might hungry demands for current that the power supply might not
be able to meet.  Try and discover the current requirements and ensure
your power supply is up to it.


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