[Wolves] Off-topic: Worst web hosting website in the UK

sparkes sparkes at phreaker.net
Tue Mar 16 15:09:35 GMT 2004

On Tue, 2004-03-16 at 15:01, Matthew Revell wrote:
> Carl Pickering wrote:
> >> this is my favourite http://www.ambhost.co.uk/pics/email2.gif wow! that
> >> makes me want to buy from them
> This is my favourite bit: http://www.ambhost.co.uk/pics/face3b.gif
gotta love those jaggies

> > I'm going to approach them for a re-design... I'll let you know what 
> > they say
> Nice one.
bugger I was going to do that but I very much doubt they make enough
money to pay for a redesign.

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