[Wolves] Off-topic: Worst web hosting website in the UK

Old Dan dan at dannyboy.dnsalias.org
Tue Mar 16 16:45:20 GMT 2004

sparkes wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-03-16 at 14:49, Matthew Revell wrote:
>>Sorry, I know this is off-topic, but I really *had* to share this. It's 
> this is my favourite http://www.ambhost.co.uk/pics/email2.gif wow! that
> makes me want to buy from them

God, that website looks appalling.

Have you looked at the features you get?  SSH account, virtual hosting, 
webmail, cron etc.

If it's actually up to it's claimed spec the service itself looks pretty 
good TBH.  The website doesn't exactly inspire confidence tho'...


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