[Wolves] Mplayer

Matthew Revell wolveslug at understated.co.uk
Fri Mar 19 14:43:56 GMT 2004

Peter Cannon wrote:

  > I then tried the LUG Radio file now this is playing but with no sound
> output (I can see the progress bar moving counter increasing) the VOL
> control will not slide (jumps back to the start) and under the menu
> panel MUTE is greyed out so I take it that my sound card is not detected
> the sound card is an ESS Maestro 2E the graphics is an ATI Mobility

I know nowt about XMMS, except that there is apparently a problem with 
playing mono OGG files in it. Another LugRadio listener reported it as a 
bug to XMMS. That doesn't actually help you, tho' :)



Matthew Revell.

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