[Wolves] Fire hazard?

Aquarius aquarius-lists at kryogenix.org
Mon Mar 22 08:59:31 GMT 2004

Matthew Revell spoo'd forth:
> Aquarius wrote:
>>>Will that help all that much?  I'd think you'd only get a surge big enough
>>>to set your computer on fire if your house was hit by lightning.
>>>If you're really feeling rich and paranoid you want halon or similar :-)
>> Really, really, really rich :) 
> And from 1988. Surely halon fire supression systems are illegal, for new 
> installations, aren't they?

I thought Halon was illegal because it was a CFC? There are similar
non-CFC-based systems, though...


Writing software is, in fact, like dancing to frozen music.
	   -- mewse

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