[Wolves] Linux networking basics

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Mar 22 09:48:32 GMT 2004

Hi Matt

I've just implemented my first home network after a lot of tears and
gnashing of teeth, Don't take any notice of my advice because I'm still
a learner but I used NFS for the Linux to Linux, pinging is OK but you
will get better info using ethereal which will tell you who is
requesting what, what is being refused and so on. They way I finally did
it was to stop the fire wall, this then allowed the connection, once I
achieved that I just selected "Allow etho connection" in the firewall

As far as Windows to Linux is concerned I use smb4k which I believe is a
derivative of Samba, this connects fine, I think its when you start
making things complicated like, permissions, passwords and access rights
it all starts to go pear shaped.

I see a a lot of postings about problems with samba but so far I haven't
had any problems I use it for my work profile and can access all the
printers on our network and with my home profile I can access files on
my server.

One of the guy's sent me a link to NFS how to I cant find/remember the
link but I have a copy of the document I can email it to you if you

On Sun, 2004-03-21 at 18:54, Matthew Revell wrote:
> Howdy all,
> In the past, I've only ever networked a Linux machine (Red Hat) with a
> Windows machine.
> Now, I'm planning to network two Debian machines, with a possible WinXP
> machine (may become Debian, if I can get my wireless card running under
> Linux), in the future.
> What's the best way for me to do this? All in Samba? Also, can anyone
> point me to some introductory, easy-to-understand Linux networking
> tutorials, as everything seems pretty scarey at the moment.
> Under Red Hat, networking seemed easier than under Debian. Apt sorting out
> all the depencies is bloody cool, tho', so I think I'm gonna stick with
> Debian.
> Morphix install has worked beautifully; cheers Aq and Sparkes.


Peter Cannon

peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk

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