[Wolves] Mounting a windows partition as a normal user on boot

Adam Sweet drinky76 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 23 19:51:21 GMT 2004

Is there an easy way to do mount a windows partition
on the local machine as a normal user, drinky, at boot
time? Or will I have to add the necessary script to
something like .bashrc so it does it when I log in?

I'd rather have it at boot, so the permissions belong
to drinky and it cannot be mounted by someone else
before drinky logs in.

My fstab line for the partition is:

/dev/hda1	/home/drinky/windows	vfat	user,noauto		0	0

I tried stuff like user=drinky, minus the noauto
option but it didn't work. Googling and reading my
rapidly growing Linux library didn't turn anything up
that seemed right.

Worst case scenario can I just put a line like

mount ~/windows

in .bashrc so it runs when drinky logs in? Thats the
script I run manually after I have logged in at the
moment. It's .bashrc right? Not .bash_profile.

Thanks people,




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