[Wolves] Window managers

sparkes sparkes at phreaker.net
Thu Mar 25 08:42:46 GMT 2004

On Thu, 2004-03-25 at 08:35, fizzy wrote:
>  --- Aquarius <aquarius-lists at kryogenix.org> wrote:
> > Then don't install ksamegame? Or is the point that
> > you want the kdelibs
> > and not KDE? Not sure you can do that...
> That is indeed the point! :)  Can I remove the
> dependency on ksamegame to have KDE? IIRC ksame will
> run under blackbox, as long as I have the kde libs
> installed, is this correct? I suppose I could just apt
> the kdelibs and install ksame from source, but I want
> to learn to use debian in it's proper apt way rather
> then start grabbing stuff from source...
I'm pretty sure I have kdelibs but not kde.  I only use a few kde apps
so it makes no sense to have anything but a minimum install.  Sometimes
the packages are only reliant on kdelibs and not any other parts of
kde.  but don't forget that kdelibs is reliant on shitloads of other
libs so it will still be a large install.
> > Um, find something they all depend on. You can
> > remove all python
> > packages by removing python, for example...
> Yeah, I'll give it a go over the weekend and let you
> know how I get on...
> > Aq.
> fizz

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