[Wolves] Debian apt-get sources.list - again

sparkes sparkes at phreaker.net
Fri Mar 26 14:59:03 GMT 2004

Matthew Revell wrote:
> Okay, I think I know what my problem is, now. I understand everything 
> the easy stuff, y'know:
> deb ftp://debian.blueyonder.co.uk/pub/debian sarge
> That bit's fine. What I'm not sure about are the bits after that. I 
> understand that non-US is stuff that can't be hosted in the United 
> States of Parano^H^H^H^HAmerica but can someone give me a list of the 
> bits I need for a proper Debian installation?
> Sorry to have not yet got this.
you should now have a working testing install.  You can keep adding apt 
  sources for the packages you want from 3rd party packagers.  I have 
loads of stuff in mine so I have the latest mplayer, xine, kismet and 
other bits and pieces.  Here is a copy of my sources.list (I must 
remember to comment it cos I can't remember what each one is and why I 
commented some out months ago)

#rox stuff
deb http://www.janw.easynet.be/rox/ i386/
deb http://www.hrw.one.pl/apt/ sid/

deb http://mentors.debian.net/debian unstable main contrib non-free
#deb http://www.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/~aschultz/debian unstable/
deb http://linux.piter-press.ru/debian unstable mine
#deb http://hpisi.nerim.net/ unstable main
deb http://debian.speedblue.org ./
deb http://people.debian.org/~rmh/debian ./
deb http://download.videolan.org/pub/videolan/debian sid main
deb http://debian.a3.nl/debian a3 main
deb http://anarxia.dyndns.org:2180/debian ./
#deb http://marillat.free.fr/ unstable main
deb http://nagnag.de/debian unstable main
deb http://www.schuldei.org/debian/bruby/ ./
deb ftp://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian unstable main contrib non-free
deb http://unbolted.llarian.net/debian/ kismet-devel/


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