[Wolves] Text size

Chris Procter Chris at foxonline.co.uk
Sat May 1 23:12:59 BST 2004

iirc in Java a char is always 16bits (unicode and all that)

All other things being equal a char is 8 bits, standard ASCII uses 7 bits,
giving 128 letters, numbers, and control characters from 0 (null) through to
127 (DEL) with the 8th being spare or a check bit to ensure integrity
meaning that a character always takes 8 bits which is the default word size
of modern computers (meaning its the smallest amount of info that can be
stored or retreived) so while you could compress plain text documents to
7/8ths of their size be only using standard ascii the mechanics of doing it
would be horendous, far harder then implementing zip.

Extended ascii uses 8bits (giving a potential 256 characters) to add some
interesting symbols such as £ (the A in ASCII does stand for American after
all) sometimes different variations of extended ASCII are used and you end
up with characters with accents appearing in odd places in text normally
replacing punctuation marks.

A standard keyboard will deal in 7bit standard ascii and uses the ALT or
Meta keys to access the extended characters.

Basically though if you have an 80byte plain text file it will contain 80
characters. a 2Tb file will contain 2million million characters or 2e12.

chris (whos beginning to regret saying yes when they asked him to be

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