[Wolves] FC2
carl at fr0st.co.uk
Fri May 21 12:47:46 BST 2004
On Fri, 2004-05-21 at 12:34, Peter Cannon wrote:
> Afternoon All
> Two quick questions
> 1. Should I upgrade/Install Fedora Core 2?
> There has been just over 2000 error postings on the Fedora LUG so far! Quite a
> few have been on Dell Laptops which is worrying as thats what I have.
I've never used Fedora so I can't answer that..
> 2. Cheeky one now, what's the command line to get my rpm list, sort it then
> print it to a file?
> I know 'rpm -qa | sort' its the last bit thats stumped me getting it to print
> to 'myrpm.txt' which is located in '/home/peter'
Providing your in /home/peter you can just do
rpm -qa | sort > myrpm.txt
or rpm -qa | sort > /home/peter/myrpm.txt
Hope this helps...
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