[Wolves] Wireless Network

Matthew Revell wolveslug at understated.co.uk
Fri May 28 03:48:37 BST 2004

Mark Cook wrote:

>>Lordy, I hope we're not that bad.
> Well, I have only subscribed to this list since Tuesday (I think), but
> people do seem to get a bit worked up over things and it looks like to me
> some have a tendency to over react. (I dont mean to offend anyone by these
> comments)

Email is an odd medium. For example, it's taken us weeks to get used to 
Peter :-D

I can see that it can appear that there is a clique here but we don't do 
it on purpose and we do try to make people feel welcome. I don't accept 
that there is too little Linux conversation. The web is filled with 
Linux, for god's sake. We share an interest in Linux but have lives 
outside of it.

Back to your point, tho' Mark, people do have a tendency to jump up and 
shout a bit if people top post, or whatever, and I think we should make 
an effort to stop that. Generally, tho', people do mention things in a 
nice way the first few times, but it really does make it difficult to 
read emails if they're posted in HTML, for example, for some people.

The LUG is one of the friendliest things I've come across in 
Wolverhampton. There's a few grouchy types but hey, there is everywhere. 
We're certainly not the "hide behind email" types, who are six stone 
weaklings playing out their hard man fantasies behind a computer screen.

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