[Wolves] VNC

David Goodwin dg at clocksoft.com
Tue Nov 2 08:15:41 GMT 2004

> ssh -L 5901:localhost:5900 username at remotemachine

I discovered the -R option the other day, which looks quite useful - in 
that you can do a reverse tunnel, thereby allowing you to do the following :

Run sshd locally on your box, without an external IP address (or port 
forwarding to it from a firewall). In order to allow someone into the 
box, you need to establish an ssh connection to a remove server, which 
sets up the tunnel and allows them to connect to you. This avoids all 
incoming firewalls, and also removes the requirement for port 
forwarding. It does unfortunately require that you have a shell account 
on a remote machine.

So this might help (if i recall the syntax correctly)

ssh -R 2222:localhost:22 user at remoteMachine

Now, on the remote machine, any user can connect on port 2222 and get 
tunneled through to port 22 on your local machine.

David Goodwin
w: http://www.clocksoft.com
e: david.goodwin at clocksoft.com
t: 0121 313 3850

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