[Wolves] [Fwd: Sneak preview invitations!]

sparkes sparkes at westmids.biz
Mon Sep 13 18:29:58 BST 2004

David Goodwin wrote:

> This info has mostly been around in the sblug archives since the talk 
> given a month (or what ever) ago.
>>  Read our development wiki to learn all about Ubuntu:
>>    http://sounders:oink@wiki.no-name-yet.com/
you pretty much needed to know someone to get this info before.  Hence 
the fact Jeff emailed people who where at the sb lug talk when they 
joined the list.  This is definately the first time *anyone* has been 
able to get their hands on it ;-)

>>  Sign up to receive free CDs when Ubuntu is released in October:
>>    http://shipit.no-name-yet.com/
> ^ That's useful. Thanks!

I've ordered 10 cd's for the infopoints if we limit ourselves to each 
getting a sensible number that is a good resource ;-)  I was about to 
say let's not bankrupt them before they launch then I remembered who I 
was talking about ;-)

> David.
> _______________________________________________


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