[Wolves] Don't do it

Jono Bacon jono at jonobacon.org
Thu Sep 23 16:21:25 BST 2004

sparkes wrote:

> Jono Bacon wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Don't let me drink the amount I drunk last night. I feel a touch 
>> sensitive
> ha, haaa!
> I still have a coke hangover from all the 'pint coke' I ingested and 
> earlier on i wished I had drunk alcolhol so I had a reasonable excuse 
> for feeling so shity.

I hate coke hangovers - its that rumbling dull feeling in the stomach 
that indicates you drank way too much of that black filth. :)


Jono Bacon - http://www.jonobacon.org/
Writer / Journalist / Consultant / Developer

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