OT: Re: [Wolves] Firefox

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk
Thu Feb 3 14:07:30 GMT 2005

On Thursday 03 February 2005 13:59, Simon Burke wrote:

> Speaking of suse:
> I'm now trying to get and eval copy of suse openexchange to show off
> at work, as my attempt of making a ldap based e-mail server isnt going
> well. Mainly as i dont know much/anything about ldap which isnt good
> considering i have until moday to get a working model going.

This is where my inexperience shows up, is openexchange part of Suse Pro 9.2?

My mind is spinning at the moment and I cant think straight.

If it is;

1. I can do you copies of the Cd's tonight when I get home, Not got a DVD 
burner :-(

2. This week or next I will have another two boxes to give away

Peter Cannon.
peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk
Fedora Core 3 & Suse Pro 9.2

"There is every excuse for not knowing
there is no excuse for not asking"
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