[Wolves] Firefox

Stuart Langridge sil at kryogenix.org
Fri Feb 4 08:36:33 GMT 2005

Tim Humpherson wrote:
> Firefox works well under XP as well as Linux FC3.
> One thing... I can't seem to configure Firefox under FC3 so that
> multiple tabbed windows can be closed individually with a single click
> from the intelliwheel button.  Under FC3's Firefox, it only goes to a
> Linux website.  Under XP, it just closes the tab, just what I wanted.
> Any ideas how to configure Firefox under FC3?

Under Linux, the middle button click on a Firefox window treats the 
current contents of the clipboard (whatever text is highlighted in 
another application) as a URL, and goes to that URL. This is very 
useful, because if you want to jump to a URL from another app you just 
highlight it in that app and then middle-click on Firefox. It doesn't do 
this under XP. If you want Linux to behave like Windows, you should be 
able to do the following:

1. Type "about:config" in the Firefox address bar.
2. Type "middlemouse" in the "Filter" box.
3. Set "middlemouse.contentLoadURL" to "false" (double click it to 
toggle from true to false).


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