[Wolves] Need a favour

Stephen Parkes sparkes at westmids.biz
Sat Feb 19 17:08:18 GMT 2005

On Sat, 2005-02-19 at 16:11 +0000, Stuart Langridge wrote:
>Peter Cannon wrote:
>> The best example I have ever read and sticks in my mind;
>> "Catch a fish for a man and he eats for a day, show a man how to fish and he 
>> eats for life"
>Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day.
>Set a man on fire and he's warm for life...

This is something I have been thinking about.

In the west we have lots of fat youths sitting around not doing a lot of
good.  In the developing world there is great difficulty growing quality
food and luxury goods to trade.  Plus it gets really cold at night.

What we do is ship over some fat louts.

The natives are taught how to pen up the youths to keep them out of
trouble, not sure who we get to show them this, perhaps they could use
ASBO's? or give yellow jackets to their own unemployed to tell keep them
moving along until nightfall when they will naturally congreate around a
can of special brew placed near a tv, street corner or a vaxhaul nova
with three bald tires.

about once every other night, when it's cold the natives set fire to a
youth.  A good fat one should burn for a couple of days and keep the
whole village warm.

The byproducts of burning a fatty chav are two fold.  The burnt bones
can be used on the soil to improve it and counteract several diseases
making it possible to grow a wider variety of food, the fat runoff can
be used to make soap which can be fair traded with the west in return
for more fatties, flouresent jackets, and matches.

Warmth, food and soap from a few fat kids who would be putting your
windows in or stealing your car and filling it with mc donalds wrappers
which they later use as tinder for to set it alight.

Its a win win situation and unlike Peters idea for commercial fishing
and Aqs for burning the natives is sustainable since fat youths are a
natural by product of western society and millions are going to waste
every year.

At first the parents might complain but once they realise this means
they can get rid of kylie and replace with a chardenay I think they will
be well up for it.  They get to start all over again collecting beer and
fag tokens from the government with a new fashionably named child
instead of one with a name that hasn't had street cred for 15 years.

By the time they are ready for export the youths have reached the end of
their useful life for parents and can no longer claim childrens benefit
and start stealing fags and money and want new nikes every month.

At these point the parents have a choice let the youths run free until
they get their own little child benefit fag and booze machine or trade
them in for flip flops, beer vouchers or perhaps an old ford.

This has got to be a winner I think we are on to something here ;-)



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