[Wolves] Web Site

Stuart Langridge sil at kryogenix.org
Wed Feb 23 11:50:41 GMT 2005

>> That's why it's invalid, then. This is why I asked for a review; if Nvu
>> is unable to create a site of the simplicity of the one that you've
>> done so far then it's completely useless. What I don't understand is
>> whether Nvu is really that useless, and why you think it would take
>> three months to create a site with it.
>Whats invalid?

The HTML code, as per the HTML validator link that Alan posted.

>I don't make knee jerk decisions I have had a total of 7 hours exposure to Nvu 
>consisting of 40 minutes here and 20 minutes there, my approach is very 
>simplistic I create a box or boxes stick a picture in write some text change 
>the background so on and so forth
>I've used Frontpage for about 5 years, not every day and generally its to 
>produce my spam, oops I mean mail shots.
>It may be because I know (sort of) Frontpage that I think its better I don't 
>think Nvu produces "Duff code" its just, at the moment, I don't think its 
>'Novice' user friendly. You will probably be able to use it without a 

This is why I'd like to see a review of it. The Nvu developers probably
aren't getting a lot of feedback from novices, and since novices are
their target audience they *need* that feedback. If you wait until
you've worked with Nvu and you understand its idiosyncrasies before you
write the review then it won't be a very useful review!


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