[Wolves] Debian/iso help needed

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk
Wed Jan 19 11:02:27 GMT 2005

On Wednesday 19 January 2005 10:38, Alan Pope wrote:

> On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 10:32:15 +0000, Peter Cannon
> <peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
> > 1. I have the CDs at home is it possible to turn them back into iso
> > images as the documentation suggests this is the best format to install
> > from?
> Yes, just dd bs=1024 if=/dev/hdc of=myisofile.iso
> where hdc is your cdrom drive

I'll have a go tonight although I was planning to use, Pete crouches down, 
Nero 6

> > 2. Is it critical to name the iso images as set out on say the ftp sight
> > what I mean is when I burn an image of the disks will I have to give each
> > image the correct name, I don't want to get through disk 1 and find VM
> > cannot find the next disc.
> You can name the iso anything you like, you tell VMWARE which ISO you
> want to mount, it doesn't care about the name.

Good, so I could name them disc-1 and disc-2 and so on?

> > 3. if the above is not possible does anyone have the 9? images? if so can
> > I have a copy? I will reimburse you for any costs involved.
> Do you have fast  'net access? You can bridge the VMWARE machine to
> your network and as such you'll only need the first CD, the rest it
> can get over the internet.

Na, I'm too poor and don't have a rich Dad to be able to afford Broadband at 
home. I did download the images at work, burnt them and then like a fool 
deleted the images, so much for good house keeping!

> > 4. Has anyone any experience of loading Debian on a virtual machine?
> > help/tips would be appreciated.
> Yes. If you don't want X it will work fine out of the box. Is the host
> Windows or Linux? I have used debian under Qemu on a linux box (which
> isn't as fast as VMware but is free).

It will be XP Home this is because most of the dummy test programs I have got 
off the net only run under Windows, strange isn't it when you consider these 
are Linux tests!

The cram books I have come with CDs which run under Windows the idea is to run 
the training CD flip back and forth to the virtual machine to tryout what 
you've learnt/learning.

Pooh, I would have like GUI. I suppose I could install with that and if it 
don't work restart to init 3?

> > I am studying for 101 & 102 exam, the books suggest having Debian on a
> > virtual machine although its not critical, its just some of the question
> > and answer sections are about Debian even though I intend to take
> > 117-101-RPM this will be good to have in my knowledge base.
> It'll work just fine for console stuff. VMWare's pretty good at doing
> this kinda stuff.

According to the sales pitch it runs just about anything, I tried Mr Gates 
version Microsoft Virtual PC but it didn't like Ubantu and one or two others 
it generally fell over when it came to the reboot part.

I figured VM had more experience of Linux stuff.

Peter Cannon.
peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk
Fedora Core 3 & Suse Pro 9.2

"There is every excuse for not knowing
there is no excuse for not asking"
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