[Wolves] Mandrake 10.1

Adam Sweet drinky76 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 26 14:20:55 GMT 2005

 --- Adam Sweet <drinky76 at yahoo.com> wrote: 

> A non-response
> means that nobody can help in Unix circles, it
> doesn't
> mean nobody cares ;)
> For more on this read
> it's a great read.

Sorry wrong link, damn my sleepless mind. Was supposed
to be:


These are my usual 2 links for people that are
starting out and having problems, hence they got

The second one is quite a long read, but it is still
worth it, I learnt a lot.

The actual section I meant was 'If You Can't Get An
Answer', but everyone should read the whole thing when
they have time.

Sorry bout that.




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