[Wolves] Re: Wolves Digest, Vol 71, Issue 6 Wee Small Hours of the morning

Adam Sweet drinky76 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 26 16:03:24 GMT 2005

 --- hb004e3078 at blueyonder.co.uk wrote: 
> I am completely in awe that you could give such a
> copious description, Ad.
> Next time I can't sleep, I'll try typing a couple of
> hundred words- except
> in my case there would be more questions than
> answers!

Sometimes people need a lengthy explanation and I'm
pretty good at waffling. In truth, I have 2 weeks off
uni and I should be sorting out my sleeping pattern
from the 1pm rise and 3am sleep routine, but it's not
working. I am something of a night owl but am also
somewhere between busy, lazy, awake and working at
such late hours.

I was awake last night because I have rebuilt my
firewall, moved my main desktop over from Debian
Testing to Ubuntu (without problems wink wink ;) and
built a webserver for my blog so far this week and I
am busy setting it all up 'just so' before I go back
to uni, there is of course an element of avoiding my
project by doing such things.

Thanks Howard, I'll send a lengthy novella in your
direction next time I can help :)

Ad -v

(-v = verbose)



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