[Wolves] the old cruel core (again!!)

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.co.uk
Tue Jul 5 09:45:12 BST 2005

On Tuesday 05 July 2005 07:03, David Goodwin wrote:

> > Well I mean to people who are used to m$. Well then again, no gui and the
> > whole of linux can be cruel. Config files in etc. like configuring a
> > basic ftp server (with security). NAT, also. don't work out of of the
> > box. no gui to set it up. They shitty system-config-packages gui <---
> > what was red hat thinking? No dvd support. No hints on third party repos
> > for yellow dog update modifier commad. Having to configure the yum.conf 
> > Just to get mp3 support. An ugly boot screen..........OK maybe not this
> > one.No browser plugins setup when installed, flash java, etc.
> I didn't realise windows came with these plugins installed?

Touche, they don't!

I cant respond to the ftp or NAT bit as I don't use those on this laptop FC4, 
however it connects no problem with my Suse box which is a quasi server.

No DVD support? um in that case why is there a DVD ISO? plus stuff like 

Third party repos? thats what Fedora Forum is there for, ask and ye shall 

Configuring yum is a piece of piss most of the repos have example .repo files 
you just create the file then cut and paste my 13yr olds can do it, failing 
that you can install yum extender (formerly yummi) this will give  you a GUI 
similar to synaptic adding repos via that is even easier.

You can install apt and synaptic the apt repos are thin on the ground at the 
moment but thats to be expected FC4 has only been out 4 odd weeks now.

> > First time setting up java browser plugin
> > manually for someone who comes from an M$ environment I imagine would be
> > quite a task. My mother couldn't do it. to be honest it would take her 2
> > weeks with a step by step walkthrough...
> > oh and no compiling CUPS support for kde print.

Java plugin? what a load of old twaddle under firefox installation is just the 
same as Windows, when you visit a site that has java on it you'll get a cream 
sort of coloured line with a green jigsaw piece and instruction to click here 
to install plugin! Doh! click on it and it will install just like Windows 
does it.

Why did you have to compile CUPS? there is a GUI OK I admit in a work 
environment its a bit tricky as you need to know the printer and what its 
shared as plus the server its on but if I can do it anyone can.

I take it you didn't read my other mail? see on the one hand your listing 
phantom issues in defense of newbies and thats good but your looking and 
doing stuff from a confirmed Windows user point of view.

IMHO ALL Linux distro's should have a big notice on them saying;
"If you know anything at all about Windows that stuff ain't gonna work here"
I know that statement isn't strictly true but it would help no end of people.
Time and time again I've seen Widows Experts crash and burn when it comes to 
Linux its not because they don't know what they are doing its because they 
forget Linux is essentially different yet they try to apply the same strategy 
that they use under Windows.

All of this reply is my personal thoughts its not an attack on you I just 
wanted to set the record straight.


Peter Cannon
Fedora Core 4 & Suse 9.3

"There is every excuse for not knowing,
There is no excuse for not asking!"
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