[Wolves] RE: more Fedora again? no it's a catapillar.

Kelly, Martin Martinkelly at wlv.ac.uk
Thu Jul 7 14:21:59 BST 2005

Kevan said:
There is an old short tale about a couple of caterpillars.  Stay with
me on this it is relevant :-)  Both caterpillars are ready to emerge
from chrysalis state (ok so the being pedantic they were not really
caterpillars).  The first 'chrysalis' is helped by a friendly
naturalist.  It emerges but is weak and drab looking.  The second
'chrysalis' has to fight and struggle and is generally worn out by the
time it emerges.  But in the struggle its muscles have had a good work
out, the blood has pumped around its delicate veins and as it unfurls
its new found wings it is a quite spectacularly beautiful butterfly. 
It then rests for 5 minutes and flies off strongly.  The first
butterfly is bedraggled and dull looking.  It can fly but only just
and because of this none of the lady butterflies want to mate with it
and so it's line ceases.  The second one goes on to father hundreds of
future generations of butterfly.  That's a tale based upon fact in
nature.  Now, which is best?  To be hand held every step of the way or
to be shown the path to enlightenment?

This analogy is frankly a bit dodgy.  for a start, Survival of the fittest is often misinterpreted to mean survival of the strongest, but if you read Richard Dawkins "the blind Watchmaker" you realise that Fittest usually means "Fit for Purpose" and mutation is usually accidental.
  "OOh I'm a beautiful butterfly and My wings accidentally match the colour of this flower, so i won't get eaten by the big nasty frog, (this time).  To take your analogy too far might mean that the blond blue eyed catapillars get all the birds (metaphor)" today the Chrysilis, tomorrow the world", and so onward to the master catapillar race ( not a sports event).
  So, It'd be nice to think, and fair to say, that we look after all our little catapillars, even if we do play rough.
( We do dough don't we)
Oi, have you seen "Gattaca", it's about a weak catapill..........umph.

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