[Wolves] Stickers Logos and Identity's

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.co.uk
Thu Jul 14 09:43:09 BST 2005

Morning All

Following on from the sticker debate I was thinking about this in a wider 
sense last night.

What is the Linux Logo? (stay with me a minute) you'll all probably scream 
"Its TUX you moron" but theres a problem stick a penguin in front of say your 
mum and shell probably say "Penguin biscuits" so OK what about the GNU goat, 
ram whatever it is? "Um New Zealand Lamb?".

Some Distro's have a logo that works, sort of, Debian, Redhat etc but those 
are specific there needs to be something that says Linux.

Everyone knows the MS logo the moment they see it they know what its about.

Peter Cannon
Fedora Core 4 & Suse 9.3

"There is every excuse for not knowing,
There is no excuse for not asking!"
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