[Wolves] Mplayer

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.co.uk
Thu Jul 14 13:12:58 BST 2005

Hi All

Anyone any good with Mplayer?

I don't like messing around with it as I don't know what I'm doing. It plays 
movies and the sound works but they are out of sync.

Very funny seeing Jono's mouth moving but hearing Aq's voice.

I think the film frames are running too slow I did fiddle with some setting in 
respect of sound but no joy.

I like Mplayer so don't fancy changing settings only to find it stops working 
as the only way I'd set it back to default is to reinstall it.

Any thoughts?

Peter Cannon
Fedora Core 4 & Suse 9.3

"There is every excuse for not knowing,
There is no excuse for not asking!"
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