[Wolves] Mplayer (and podcatching)
Lee Jordan
lists at leejordan.org.uk
Thu Jul 14 20:05:16 BST 2005
Peter Cannon wrote:
>On Thursday 14 July 2005 14:19, Aypok wrote:
>>>I don't like messing around with it as I don't know what I'm doing. It
>>>plays movies and the sound works but they are out of sync.
>>The + and - keys on the numpad speed up and slow down the audio (or
>>video - I forget which), allowing you to make alterations to the
>You might have something there, there is an auto sync feature I put a tick in
>but I don't think it had any effect.
>I tried your trick with the + & - which I think was having an effect but I
>have to stop playing now as people are floating around.
There is a timing control in the kernel at a hardware level that plays a
role in syncing video I found it because I had huge problems watching
the BBC news streams in sync in Firefox, only happened with the *.ram
streams through the *.wmv streams seem fine ... grrr to "plays for sure"
though. enter this command into a terminal, might need to be root or a
"sudoer" :
|echo 1024 > /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq
There's a fine article at Freshmeat about fine tuning MPlayer : http://freshmeat.net/articles/view/747/
and if you are using KDE check out kPlayer/kMplayer which has gui options to tweak mplayer. Xine? What's that then ;)
|I found a few things with syncing in MPlayer. Try -framedrop and -autosync 15 or try not using X windows by adding "-vo fb" (frame buffer output in the console). If your'e using a binary
like a .deb or .rpm note the difference between mplayer-386 and mplayer-586. Try the no-gui flavour. Also try compiling from source, failling that use Xine.
I like MPlayer because it's very waffly versatile, although many hours can be taken by trying out cool things, like creating your own sepia filter or transcoding between formats ... rock on! A neat trick with Mplayer : Turn rstp:// mms:// radio streams into ogg/mp3 podcasts overnight, create a script that'll dump the stream as PCM/wav, get lame/oggenc to encode into desired format set a cron tab to do this nightly on a random radio station and get the script to add a timestamp to the filename (kCron is a godsend), perhaps get the script to create an RSS feed hosted on your localhost webserver, sync up your portable player in the morning with your favourite client, bobs your uncle podcatching a show that isn't even a podcast. Mplayer the possibilities are endless. Nativley podcatching from the BBC radio player would be handy, if anyone can put a word in at the Beeb.
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