[Wolves] OT: IT career advice

Andy Wootton andy.wootton at wyrley.demon.co.uk
Sun Jul 24 15:25:50 BST 2005

Katherine Goodwin wrote:

> <snip>
>> Ideally I would like to be involved in open source IT work, but this
>> may be difficult/impossible from a standing start.  I rather get the
>> impression that it is hard to get away from Microsoft, whatever befall.
> Try looking at http://www.schoolforge.org.uk/index.php/Main_Page.  
> Schoolforge is very active and is made up of business, teachers and 
> other people in education who are all aiming to get open source 
> technology into schools.  I went to the recent FLOSSIE conference that 
> they organised and as well as being interesting, everyone was really 
> friendly.  I recommend getting involved.
> Kat

Are you aware of the BECTA report encouraging the use of free and open 
source software in schools? There is a big hole for school software for 
the Linux platform that needs filling.

Keep an eye on OpenAdvantage's future courses for the Linux SysAdmin 
course. There isn't one scheduled at the moment. See


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