[Wolves] gftp download size

Stuart Langridge stuart.langridge at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 18:46:13 BST 2005

On 6/7/05, David Morley <davmor2 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> I'm downloading the ubuntu repos for splineboy.  I'm using gftp to transfer
> the file but it seems to have an annoying 2 gig download limit is there a
> way to increase it please?  Sorry if this is a repeat.

If it is a gftp limit (which would be brain-dead) then you might find
that wget on the command line will be better...if you're getting
/x/y/z.iso from ftp.example.com with username foo and password bar,
then "wget ftp://foo:bar@ftp.example.com/x/y/z.iso" in a terminal will
get it for you.


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