[Wolves] Solaris now open source

Simon Burke simon.burke at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 17:34:50 BST 2005

On 6/15/05, trog <trog at trog-oz.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> On Tuesday 14 June 2005 21:08, Andy Wootton wrote:
> > I think Sun have been treated quite badly by the Linux community. For a
> > few years they were the only company that kept Unix alive while HP and
> > IBM hedged with Wintel boxes.
> HP/UX and AIX are both Unix and more "standard" than Solaris.  All three
> pre-date Linux by many years with (AFAIK) AIX being the first cab off the
> rank.  Pre-loved RS/6000s pop up regularly and it is not unknown for them to
> find their way into the home.

I have been using AIX at work for a fair while, and im surprised to
say that it is actually has the same feel as linux has.

Is this probably due to the amount of stuff IBM have done for Linux
and vice versa? or is it just natural prgression of linux to be unix
like?? :P

Theres no place like ::1



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