[Wolves] Cron question

Wayne Morris wayne at machx.co.uk
Wed Jun 22 00:18:47 BST 2005

Andrew Lewis wrote:

> Stuart Langridge wrote:
>> On 6/21/05, Wayne Morris <wayne at machx.co.uk> wrote:
>>> Problem is this changeover point, if streamer is started when tar is
>>> running then seem to get some frames stuck in wrong archive, as 
>>> streamer
>>> gets a bit ahead of the
>>> tar operation.
>> Try having the half-hour job move all existing pictures into a new
>> directory, and then tar the new directory, rather than trying to save
>> pics into and tar out of the same directory.
>> Aq.
> I was about to suggest the same thing - splinescan uses streamer + pbm 
> files as part of the spline index - that's what I did when I wanted to 
> keep some of the source footage for offline editing.
> Andrew

Mmm, I left out of the original Q for simplicity, that I already DO move 
the pictures out of the original directory before tarring.
But this is maybe the problem, - MV'ing obv takes time, so whilst 
moving, streamer is adding files to original, some of which get moved!
and MV has a limit of 1024 files -which at 2 frames per sec is less than 
10 mins recording.
So you end up with three cron jobs (move, tar, restart streamer) six 
times an hour, which is a mess.
My 'working' compromise has been to lower the frame rate to 1 every two 
seconds, and cron every half hour, which loses lots of potential images.

Any ideas forward.

By the way, this is sample images and raison d'etre (Sunday afternoon at 


caught the little shites! I know the ginger tosser.
(camera has been only displaying b/w after 2 years service, now replaced 
with new colour one).


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