[Wolves] Video Blanking Again :(

Re-LoaD reload at brum2600.net
Fri Jun 24 14:06:58 BST 2005

Hello Everybody,
 I could do with some help with this problem on video blanking.

first some background :
I have 5 very large projectors installed in a Network Operations Centre each 
displaying stats maps etc...
I would like to replace the OS on the pc's driving the projectors with 
Linux. But I have a problem, if we take one set up and use that as an 

Currently Windows NT running Hummingbird exceed and connecting to a HP-UX 
Box Xserver via  XDMCP.

Just installed ubuntu 5.0.4 and all went very well up popped a nice gdm 
login screen and the resolution was good.
configured the system not to start the X server on boot and rebooted.

Now login from the console and run

X -once -query <hpux box>

Great !! up pops the HP-UX CDE login screen and all works. The problem is I 
need to leave this machine unattended but still displaying graphs and stats 
on the projector in the NOC but the screensaver/video blanking comes on. I 
think its the sane blanking you get if you leave a console for a time.

so what have I tried ?

small script to start the connection :
setterm -blank 0
xset s off
xset s noblank
X -once -query <hpux box>

I have also added this to the xorg.conf
Section "ServerFlags"
    Option "BlankTime" "0"
    Option "NoPM" "true"
    Option "StandbyTime" "0"
    Option "OffTime" "0"

Still the same connects but the screen goes blank. Is this a kernel thing ?

Help any ideas


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