[Wolves] Installed Programs and SuSE 9.2 Pro

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.co.uk
Sat Mar 12 10:01:36 GMT 2005

On Saturday 12 March 2005 00:09, Tom Mortimer-Jones wrote:

> > Yes I run Debian on VMware but thats for an exam I'd like to take.
> Is that for LPI Pete? I think I remeber you mentioning you were thinking
> of taking it. You do know that you only need to know either RPM or DPKG
> don't you?

Yeah I know I intend to take the RPM based one, but being a confirmed 
masochist I want to make it doubly hard on myself.

"Its not easy this Debian stuff"

Peter Cannon
peter at cannon-linux.co.uk

"There is every excuse for not knowing"
"There is no excuse for not asking"

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