[Wolves] Make Gnome Fast! [Was: What makes Gnome/KDE slow?]

Steve Parkes sparkes at westmids.biz
Fri May 20 09:25:05 BST 2005

Deusiah wrote:

>I'm not content with the fact that it's faster, I want to know why
>it's faster so if anyone could shine some light on that I would be
>most grateful.
It's possible that some of the larger gnome libs are not loaded until 
they are first used and not on first loading.  Some parts of gnome are 
pretty hefty and do lot's of underlying things like object brokering, 
the way you are starting the system they might not be installed on login.

The faster desktops are basically window managers without all the hefty 
desktop environment stuff it could be that you are delaying portions of 
the desktop enironment meaning they will be slower when they are first 
used but won't delay startup.

that's my guess


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