[Wolves] Shockwave via Crossover with firefox, any one done this?

Bobby Singh bs_wm at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Nov 4 13:35:46 GMT 2005


I tried using crossover with shockwave. But using
www.macromedia.com/shockwave/welcome/ and other
websites, it just hangs or don't work.  Basically the
'shockwave loading bar' comes up, dissapears and then
just hangs, stays there.
I have configured my plugin folders in crossover and
checked my Nvidia and looked at docs even reinstalled.

So has anyone done this sucessfully and how?
I am using Ubuntu 5.10, Firefox, AMD XP3000, Nvidia.




I play 'ICC 2005 cricket' does anyone here?  So i
configured wine by '.wine' etc.  I 'installed' it but
when i try to run the 'Cricket.exe' file to play it,
shows a box saying;
'DLL Loading problem or Debugger Detected or Integrity
Tryed the docs and looked at DLL problems.
Doe anyone use wine and how would i solve above?

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