[Wolves] Exim DNS lookups for all domains

Adam Sweet drinky76 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 9 14:15:23 GMT 2005

Can anyone help me?

I've built a new mail server and have created all of
my virtual domains on there. I'm about halfway through
the process of moving domains from the old server to
the new one and I've suddenly discovered that when
users on the new server send email to accounts hosted
on the old server which implemented on the new server
(for when the changeover takes place), the emails
collect on the new server as Exim checks whether it is
hosting that domain first and then doing a DNS MX
lookup second if it isn't hosted locally.

What I would like to do is a DNS lookup as the first
port of call to ensure mail goes to the right server
while the moving of domains takes place.

in exim.conf I have this as my first router:

  driver = dnslookup                                  
  domains = ! +local_domains                          
  transport = remote_smtp                             
  ignore_target_hosts = :         

Can I just remove the domains line? Or I was thinking
of changing it to:

domains = *

but there are other entries in the conf file that use
+ and - minus before an entry (like ! +local_domains)
and I don't know which, if either, to use.

I have googled, read the FAQ, the docs and the
O'Reilly book but I can't find any reference to what I
want to do, the meaning of the + and -, whether I need
them or whether what I want to do will break local
deliveries and in which case I need to write another
router configuration.

I would be grateful for some guidance if anyone has






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