[Wolves] Samba in an Active Directories environment
Peter Cannon
peter at cannon-linux.co.uk
Fri Nov 18 15:35:19 GMT 2005
On Friday 18 November 2005 14:54, Simon Morris wrote:
> Anyone who puts their favourite Distro in their sig is open hunting
> season for newbie questions about it AFAICS :D
Ah, Distro in sig? thats just me showing off.
> Cool. I'm going to research this but I'll ask it here as well. Which
> of the above are available as part of the main SUSE (and SLES) distro?
> I'm not going to start using package management software outside of
> the default provided tools for the following reasons:
> * I have a lot of servers to manage and I don't really want to start
> to adding additional overhead to them
> * I may want to call Novell for support and knowing "Enterprise"
> support if they say "how did you install package foo" and I say "I
> installed it using $3RD_PARTY_TOOL" they will say well... we don't
> support that. Red Hat have done that to me before.
I reckon you'll get the same response here as well, as you know the default
manager is Yast. I don't think it would be a reason for denial of help but
its the old 'Draw Bridge' scenario "Ah sorry Mr caller you didn't follow the
rules so FO" bang up comes that draw bridge.
> * I want to be able to hand this system over to any Novell/SUSE
> qualified or aware person and they know what the score is. This means
> not doing stuff with 3rd party package management. RPM can be fragile
> enough sometimes without making things more comple
> > Personally I wouldn't as it diminishes the learning curve, better to
> > learn alternative package mediums then you are able to run a wider range
> > of distributions.
> I agree completely
Don't agree with me, nobody will speak to you again ;)
> Those are the ones. How can I get that information to feed into `yast2
> -i' without having to navigate yast itself which is a little slow. Is
> there an `apt-cache search' like tool for SUSE?
There is in Yast GUI :-0
> Ah. Bugger
I'll see your Bugger and raise you a Bollocks.
> I am, but I think I've just realised that the additional online
> package respositories aren't working for me. More to come on that
> one....
Just as an idea/test from a terminal do gtkpod (or from the run dialogue) I
take it you do have it installed? rpm -q gtkpod
> Don't.. Birthday next month. I'm going to be 10 years old overnight
> (Twenty-something to thirty-something)
Wait until your Bald, fat and 44 like me then :p
> I've written a lot of mailing list and USENET posts on subjects I have
> a vague grasp on (and they typically tend to be long rambling posts)
> and I read them before hitting send and think "Hang on, I don't really
> have a clue". Better to give little accurate information than lots of
> guesswork.
Thats my one Big big huge gripe with mailing lists, people never fully read,
digest, understand whats being said before hitting that reply button if it
was a face to face conversation they'd think first just in case it wasn't the
reply button that got hit!.
Peter Cannon
peter at cannon-linux.co.uk
"If god had meant us to fly he'd have given us wings"
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