[Wolves] Recording a video tutorial with vnc2swf
Stuart Langridge
sil at kryogenix.org
Thu Nov 24 01:17:21 GMT 2005
Some step by step instructions on recording a video tutorial with vnc2swf
1. Download pyvnc2swf from http://www.unixuser.org/~euske/vnc2swf/ --
use the "Python version" zip link at the top.
2. Unzip the zip file and save the contents somewhere -- I'm going to
assume that you've unpacked it into the directory pyvnc2swf-0.80 in
your home directory.
3. Install required dependencies. in Ubuntu, install the packages
x11vnc, lame, alsa-utils, and python2.4-pygame (using Synaptic Package
Manager). You may need to enable the "multiverse" repository to get
"lame": google for how to do this if you don't know.
4. Open a command prompt (we'll call this "terminal 1").
5. In terminal 1, enter:
x11vnc -localhost -viewonly -wait 10 -defer 10
This will write lots of stuff on the screen, ending with
The VNC desktop is localhost:0
4. Open a command prompt (we'll call this "terminal 2").
5. In terminal 2, cd pyvnc2swf-0.80 (or the directory you created in step 2)
6. In terminal 2, enter
./vnc2swf.py -o out.swf -S "arecord -r 22050 voice.wav" localhost:0
7. In the "vnc2swf" window that pops up, click the green Start button.
8. Do whatever you want to do in your video tutorial, explaining what
you're doing through your microphone so that your voice is recorded.
9. When finished, click the red Stop button on the vnc2swf window.
10. Terminal 2 should go back to the normal command prompt (ending
with $ and allowing you to type). If it doesn't, hit Ctrl-C. (This may
say something about KeyboardInterrupt, which is fine.)
11. Terminal 1 should go back to the normal command prompt (ending
with $ and allowing you to type). If it doesn't, hit Ctrl-C.
12. In terminal 2, type "lame voice.wav". This makes an MP3 file from
"voice.wav", which is your recorded voice.
13. Still in terminal 2, type
./edit.py -o out2.swf -a voice.wav.mp3 out.swf
This will write some things about "Input movie" and "Output movie" and
then scroll some dots on the screen to show that it's working.
14. Once that is complete, you should have two files, out2.swf and
out2.html. The out2.swf file is your video tutorial, in Flash format.
The out2.html file is an example of how to create an HTML page showing
your Flash tutorial. Upload both to the web somewhere and tell people
about them.
If these instructions don't work, say what happened and I'll suggest some fixes.
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