[Wolves] geek wear shop

Steve Parkes sparkes at westmids.biz
Tue Oct 18 19:12:04 BST 2005

chris ball wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Steve Parkes wrote:
>> I have opened a new geek ware shop at http://nerd.ws I hope to see you
>> all wearing my designs, buy ten and I will get your curry! ;-)
>> sparkes
> Any chance of getting the "centre of the universe" on a retro Tee?

give me a couple of hours ;-)

> Also, your HTML is wrong: align="centre" wouldn't work, align="center"
> would though ;) I blame the Americans.
it's xml, I wrote the (fictional) DTD so it will work ;-) lol

> Great site though mate, I shall be wasted much of my extra cash on it,
> assuming that I have some extra cash. Just moved back to willenhall, so
> my wallet took a hit.
A trip back to willenhall should save you some money ;-) I will be 
walking not far from your house to pick Tom up from school tomorrow 
unless the bloody clutch is finally working.

It won't be a waste of cash, think of the kudos and the pint I will buy 
everyone who wears one of my shirts to the Christmas party ;-) hoping I 
get some if I get some cash that is, if not first meeting I have some 
money in my pocket.  Promise ;-)

> ~ Chris


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