[Wolves] Scumbags Hack Xoops site

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.co.uk
Thu Oct 20 16:28:19 BST 2005

On Thursday 20 October 2005 15:57, Simon Morris wrote:

> I've been looking at Mambo too recently - it's very nice

Joomla is easier and nicer (than Mambo) Dave Goodwin suggested I might do some 
reporting on them.

If there is any interest I could do a talk although it wouldn't be a technical 
thing more of a demonstration/this is what I recommend type thing.

Anyway the offers there, I have them all on this Laptop so I'd only need a 
Projector and a Night when the Missus is at home.

Peter Cannon
Fedora Core 4 & Suse 9.3

"There is every excuse for not knowing,
There is no excuse for not asking!"
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