[Wolves] Firestarter

David Goodwin dg at clocksoft.com
Thu Sep 1 17:08:18 BST 2005

David Morley wrote:
> Okay Aq your asuming a lot here.  1) I'm using Ubuntu 2) I have no
> idea on how to put in system startup files in /etc/init.d 3)  this is
> why I come to the lug/list to learn this knida stuff.

1) Login as per normal

2) Go to Applications -> System -> New Terminal

3) Type into the box : "sudo /bin/bash" (then press <enter>)
(This makes you 'root', the super user)

4) Copy the script to /etc/init.d/, e.g. Type in : cp 
/home/david/the_script /etc/init.d   (then press <enter>)

5) Type in : update-rc.d the_script start 99 2 .    (then press <enter>)
(This does some magic by creating a symbolic link in /etc/rc2.d to point 
to /etc/init.d/the_script. The 99 refers to it's order in the startup 
process, so it will be near last. 2 refers to the runlevel - 2 is the 
default in Debian/Ubuntu. (It's 5 in Redhat and friends))

6) It should print some stuff back to you.... and you should see there 
is now a file in /etc/rc2.d/ called S99the_script.

e.g. ls -l /etc/rc2.d/S99the_script    (then press <enter>)

7) Go to bed.

Hope that helps.


David Goodwin
w: http://www.clocksoft.co.uk
e: david.goodwin at clocksoft.com
t: 0121 313 3850

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