[Wolves] geting a members link from the wolves lug website

roundyz roundyz at hotpop.com
Sun Sep 11 23:42:05 BST 2005

On Sunday 11 Sep 2005 23:12, Stuart Langridge wrote:
> No. RSS is a specific format. Your RSS feed must have your posts in it
> in that specific format. It's not just HTML with CSS applied. You
> might find http://www.webreference.com/authoring/languages/xml/rss/intro/
> useful here.

So have i got this right.

I write xml files with the rss headers. these are my news articles. then I 
need a script to be able to implement then into my html?


mail:roundyz at roundyz.com or roundyz at hotpop.com
www.roundyz.com <-- Photography site.

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