[Wolves] geting a members link from the wolves lug website

roundyz roundyz at hotpop.com
Wed Sep 14 10:30:27 BST 2005

On Monday 12 Sep 2005 17:50, roundyz wrote:
> You may then want to put together a script which automatically
> > generates those RSS files from your news articles rather than you
> > having to manually create them

What programs would the script call?
You see I'm new to scripting, I've only ever wrote old batch files on a 
dinosaur OS, before now. 

See I read befor about piping using the line or something like that. to send 
from one program to another. Is a script just a chain of commands with their 

Please Help me.

mail:roundyz at roundyz.com or roundyz at hotpop.com
www.roundyz.com <-- Photography site.

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