[Wolves] No Ogg in ipod/iTunes

Andy Wootton andy.wootton at wyrley.demon.co.uk
Sun Sep 18 15:55:40 BST 2005


Arik Hesseldahl:* ... Any interest whatsoever, since in the open source 
OGG Vorbis format?

*Steve Jobs:* We're certainly not getting any requests from customers 
for it.

I would have been an iPod customer if it had Ogg Vorbis support. Instead 
I bought a Cowan iAudio. Now my son is taking it to University so I'm 
trying to set up iTunes so he can listen to the Ogg files through his 
Wintel PC speakers.

iTunes did work with Ogg via Quicktime but every new QT version seems to 
break Ogg support. I'm sure this is just bad luck. [ Woo steams from ears ]

It's OK Ade! I'm back on the straight and narrow. The chance of an iPod 
Nano being on my birthday list has reduced considerably in the last hour.

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