[Wolves] rotate 2d array by 45degrees

Stephen Parkes sparkes at westmids.biz
Fri Sep 23 10:58:48 BST 2005

Stuart Langridge wrote:
>>Does anyone have a formula to rotate a 2d array by 45 degrees so you end
>>up with an array 142%(?) of the size with the contents of the old array
> What? What does "rotate an array" mean? So you take the matrix
> (1,2,3
>  4,5,6
>  7,8,9)
> and transform it to be
> (0,0,1,0,0
>  0,4,0,2,0
>  7,0,5,0,3
>  0,8,0,6,0
>  0,0,9,0,0)
> ?



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